Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Whistling to avoid bringing attention to yourself when you’re doing something wrong is probably one of the dumbest things I've seen or heard.

Whistling? Really? Who the hell whistles anymore? If anything , that should get you in MORE trouble than you’re already in. ‘I’m afraid we’re locking you up for a month for shoplifting, and we heard you were whistling while you did it... So we're just going to go ahead and keep you here for the rest of the year...’

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thriller, Khaleeji Style

Here's a little something I found online. Then i edited it.

I'm working on the next one... This took a quick 5 minutes on i.movie so not the most impressive production :p

Thoughts on Spontaneous Combustion

We've all read/heard/thought/talked about it at some point in our lives... But I've always thought it was a weird thing to spontaneously do. I mean, on the list of spontaneous things to do, shouldn't going out for a run in the freezing, pouring rain or having 2 servings of ice cream be at least 2 notches higher on the list than spontaneously setting yourself on fire? I just feel that being engulfed in flames should be something more 'thought out' and less spontaneous, even though -in essence- this is something that just happens and we dont actually have any control over. So since we're a while away from any real mind control breakthroughs, I would just suggest you focus less on any incendiary thoughts for the time being.

As always, I leave you with the last word.

Welcome to my blog, I think?

Well well well... You know when a welcome blog starts with 3 wells thats it most probably means the author doesnt really know where they're going with it. For the most part, thats true, but the remaining part is also true.

Seriously though, thanks for reading and I hope you like what you read and please dont take anything I write too seriously or too personally, because that would kill the -uh- 'fun' element of this blog...(?)

As always, I leave you with the last word (i.e. comments :p)
